The sheer numbers of Geese will stagger the imagination. There are Snows, Blues and Specks by the tens of thousands; with some lesser Canada’s and Ross’ for good measure. This is the wintering area for these birds starting in October until March. The vast grain fields and numerous freshwater ponds for roosting are what keep the birds here throughout the season.
Geese hunting seasons are from late October through late February
If Geese are your quarry, you’ll be up early for a big breakfast so you’re in the pits shortly after daybreak. The guides & bird boys will have the individual pits dug and the decoys set for your arrival. Most hunters shoot 2-3+ boxes per morning shoot.
Geese are typically hunted in the mornings, but can be hunted in the afternoons if conditions are right. Fields are scouted daily and hunting is from individual pits using large decoy spreads and electronic callers. Sandhill Cranes are often taken as a bonus on Goose hunts, or can be hunted on their own. Afternoon hunts are usually over water when the birds come to drink or go to roost late in the afternoon.
Morning hunts are best for Geese. Frequently it’s better to take advantage of the super Quail hunting or try your hand at some Doves in the afternoons.